the talmud facts – le talmud en ligne

The Jewish Talmud describes the Pharaoh who lived in the time of Moses as being merely a cubit tall 45,72 cm with a penis measuring a cubit and a span 68,58 cm,

The Truth about the Talmud

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The famous warning of Jesus Christ about the tradition of men that voids Scripture Mark 7:1-13 is in fact a direct reference to the Talmud or more specifically the forerunner of the first part of it the Mishnah which existed in oral form during Christ’s lifetime, before being committed to writing, Mark chapter 7, from verse one through thirteen, represents Our Lord’s pointed

22+ Talmud Facts

Thanks goes to the waiter,37 In the Talmud, this is quoted as a fact of life, But it is also a question, Can it be that the wine belongs to the master but people still give credit to the waiter? Fools fail to recognize that the waiter is but an agent of the master, and that currying favor with the lowly waiter will not get them anything, G‑d is the Master of the Universe, but pagans

the talmud facts

A few facts: The Talmud is the Oral Torah of the Jewish people, The Talmud serves to clarify the brief verses of the Torah and Tanakh Hebrew Bible, The Talmud, after the Torah, is …

Facts are Facts by: Benjamin H, Freedman “The Talmud Unmasked, The Secret Rabbinical Teachings Concerning Christians,” was written by Rev, I,B, Pranaitis, Master of Theology and Professor of the Hebrew Language at the Imperial Ecclesiastical Academy of the Roman Catholic Church in Old St, Petersburg, Russia, The Rev, Pranaitis was the greatest of the students of the Talmud, His complete …

A list of 2 interesting Jesus in the Talmud facts! Facts about Jesus in the Talmud in one big list, Jesus in the Talmud Facts, Facts related to “Jesus in the Talmud” Today I learned about Roman soldier Pantera, In Celsius’ “The true word” Jesus was depicted as the result of an affair between his mother Mary and this soldier, Both the ancient Talmud and medieval Jewish writings reinforced this

The Evil Jewish Talmud: The Truth about the Talmud

21 Talmud Facts Every Jew Should Know 1, The Talmud Is the Link Between Scripture and Jewish Practice The Hebrew Scripture also known as Torah is the 2, The Talmud Is Based on the Mishnah Following the destruction of the second Holy Temple …

What are the top facts about the Talmud?

2+ Jesus in the Talmud Facts


Role of The Talmud in Judaism

The Talmud is the comprehensive written version of the Jewish oral law and the subsequent commentaries on it, It originates from the 2nd century CE, The word Talmud is …

the Talmud, There are two versions, the Jerusalem Talmud and the Babylonian Talmud, The Babylonian Talmud is regarded as the authoritative version: “The authority of the Babylonian Talmud is also greater than that of the Jerusalem Talmud, In cases of doubt the former is decisive,” R,C,


The Talmud on Christians

21 Talmud Facts Every Jew Should Know

6 things you didn’t know about the Talmud

And so, we must conclude with the six things you don’t know about the Talmud: 1, Sex with 3 year old girls and 9 year old boys is allowed and girls under 11 must continue sex without a contraceptive 2, “Goyim” deserve no respect, A “Goyim” is a gentile, It is of the same nature as beasts,

Things You Didn’t Know About the Talmud

An Oral Torah

38 Folk Sayings From the Talmud


Talmud contains biblical exegesis and commentary on Tanakh that will often clarify elliptical and esoteric passages, The Talmud contains possible references to Jesus and his disciples, while the Christian canon makes mention of Talmudic figures and contains teachings that …

the talmud facts - le talmud en ligne

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