gdpr and photography – gdpr photos personal data

GDPR and photography Published on October 28, 2020 October 28, 2020 • 9 Likes • 1 Comments, Report this post; Paul Clarke Follow I’m the People …

GDPR and event photography Photographs of people at events could be potentially considered as personal data and therefore be caught by GDPR, You might be using photographs that you take at events in print or digital media to provide information about your event or network or on social media to market your events and generate a buzz,

How to be GDPR Compliant whilst Filming and Photographing

gdpr and photography

GDPR might seem daunting especially if you happen to read all eighty-eight pages of it but when it comes to photography and filming much of the regulation comes down to consent of the individuals on-camera This is nothing too different to how professional photography and film have operated in the past, so whilst GDPR might demand more documentation and form-filling, it shouldn’t …

GDPR and Taking Photographs in Public Places / at Large Events

GDPR and photography

It’s not here to shut down your photography business that takes photos of horse riding events or whatever it might be Okay So do carry out your legitimate interests assessment You can find the assessment form in my GDPR pack but I would certainly me being a fairly pro-active risk taker, if it was my risk to take and I was taking photographs at horse riding events or large sporting events

GDPR consent issues for event photography

If you don’t know what GDPR is or you have questions how this law even applies to you because you are in the US then read this article about GDPR and your photography …

GDPR and photography

Does GDPR Spell the End of Street Photography?

Does GDPR Spell the End of Street Photography? As you probably know by now, after receiving a gazillion emails advising you of the fact, last month saw the introduction of the GDRP, the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation, And in an article on his website, German photographer and journalist, Hendrik Wieduwilt, is worried, Very worried,

Filming and photography in churches – consent and GDPR

GDPR and event photography

gdpr and photography - gdpr photos personal data

As with other matters of photography ethics, it’s up to us as practitioners and commissioners of photography to have our own clear lines and understanding on this, Beyond GDPR there are other things you should be aware of the privacy protections in Article 8 of the Human Rights Act, for one – fall foul of that, and you’ll be falling foul of GDPR, And I’m sure that as GDPR matures

How Does GDPR Affect How You Handle Client Photos

Consent Adults and children over the age of 16 Those appearing in film or photography must give written consent because attendance at a church service reveals religious belief which is a special category data under GDPR You should specify on the consent form exactly what aspects of the service you intend to film,

GDPR and how it affects your photography business

Copyright and GDPR for photographers

Copyright is a property right which is intended to reward the making of, and investment in, creative works, It protects literary, dramatic, musical and artistic works, sound recordings, films, broadcasts and published editions, Photographs are generally protected by copyright as artistic works, In the UK, copyright automatically comes into being wh…How Can It Help Me?

What GDPR means for Photographers

GDPR Guide for Photographers

Cleanse Your Data

The General Data Protection Regulation GDPR came into force on May 25 th 2018 and it affects your photography business What is GDPR then? The GDPR directive sets out the new European framework for data protection It is a replacement of the previous data protection laws set almost twenty years ago and is concerned with how personal data is obtained used, handled and …

Consent would be required separately for each of photography and filming is recording meant to be different? for each use and for each medium This needs a lot of separate consents! Consent needs to be ‘informed’ There is very limited indication of potential uses of the personal data and it is unclear whether ‘in perpetuity’ is intended to be taken seriously, Article 7 of the GDPR

But before I do that, a disclaimer: I’m not a GDPR expert, If you want an expert please peruse the riveting ICO website,What I do know though is that the ICO is made up of …

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